Common Issues With Computers and How to Fix Them

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Common Issues With Computers and How to Fix Them

Most computer users have encountered one or more issues with their computers at some point. Computers can have a variety of issues and it can be confusing to figure out what the issue is. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common issues people have with their computers, how to identify the problem, and how to fix it.

1. Computer Not Booting

First and foremost, if a computer is not able to boot up at all, then the user should check if the computer is connected to a power source and if the power outlet is providing an adequate amount of power. The user should also check if the power cord is damaged or if the power button on the computer has been turned on. If everything appears to be in order, then it is time to check the hardware of the computer. Likely causes of this issue can be anything from a faulty power supply, RAM memory, CPU, or hard drive.

In order to diagnose the cause of this issue, one should use a “boot disk” to isolate the issue. There is a variety of boot disks available online that one can download and create. Once the boot disk has been created, one can insert it into the computer’s CD-ROM drive, power the system on and boot into the operating system found on the disk. This will allow one to access the BIOS/UEFI menu to see which components are experiencing issues.

Depending on what type of hardware is causing the problem, one should be able to replace it in order to get their system running again. It is also important to note that this may require one to go through a reinstallation process of their operating system, so it is advised to have a backup of any important data before attempting this repair.

2. System Overheating

Another common issue for computer users is overheating. This is usually caused by dust or other debris building up on the hardware components in a system and causing them to become hotter than they should be. At first, this will usually only lead to potential performance issues, but if left unresolved, it can cause serious damage to components such as hardware failure or even burning.

The best way to diagnose this issue is by using a temperature monitoring program. There are a few popular temperature monitoring programs available online that one can use to monitor the temperature of their components such as CPU, GPU, RAM memory, and HDD/SSD drives. Additionally, one should look to clean out any dust or debris that may be preventing air from properly flowing through the system. This can be done by using compressed air cans, or even cotton swabs if necessary.

Finally, one should look into whether all fans in the system are still functional, as these play a key role in keeping important components cool and avoiding any potential damage from occurring. If any fans appear to be broken or having difficulty spinning up (and don’t respond when given extra power) then these should be replaced with new ones as soon as possible.

3. Slow Performance

Slow performance in computers can be caused by a number of different issues that could range from hardware-related to software-related problems. To properly diagnose this issue, one should first run a disk cleanup/defragmenter on their system in order to improve performance and free up disk space in which new files can be stored. Additionally, any unnecessary programs should be uninstalled as these take up space on the hard drive and often run various background processes that can slow down the system.

If performance still seems sluggish after a disk cleanup/defragment, then one should look into increasing the amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) their system has. This may require additional hardware, and research should be done prior to upgrading in case special tools are needed for the upgrade process.

The final step that one should take before contacting a professional for help is double-checking the system for any viruses or malware that may have been installed. There are many free antivirus programs that one can download online that can help scan and remove any potential threat from their computer.


These are just a few of the most common issues users may experience with their computers. By learning how to identify these issues and performing some basic maintenance tasks such as disk cleanups, many users will be able to resolve these issues themselves, saving time and money.

Of course, for more complex issues such as hardware replacements or system upgrades, it may be necessary to contact a professional service in order obtain assistance with these repairs.

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