Computers: How to Fix Common Problems

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Computers: How to Fix Common Problems


If you are having problems with your computer, you are not alone. Many people experience common problems and it can be difficult to figure out how to fix them. This article provides an overview of some common computer problems and how to resolve them. We will explain how to observe symptoms, troubleshoot the issues, and then provide detailed instructions for fixing the problem.

We strongly recommend that users follow the manufacturer’s instructions for troubleshooting their hardware and software. Additionally, users should back up any important data prior to attempting repairs if they have the technical expertise to do so.

Observing Symptoms

Before attempting to fix a problem on your computer, it is important to observe the symptoms and determine the cause. This involves assessing the issues related to hardware, software, or a combination of both. Some common symptoms are listed below.

  • Hardware problems: Computer unexpectedly shuts down or turns off, components don’t work properly, computer makes strange noises, or users can’t access certain programs.
  • Software problems: Programs crash or freeze unexpectedly, spam emails or pop-ups appear, computer becomes slow, files become corrupted, or virus or malware suddenly appears.

Troubleshooting Methods

Once you’ve identified the symptoms of the problem, you can begin the process of troubleshooting. There are a few methods to fault-finding that can help narrow down the source of the issue and begin to resolve it.

These methods include:

  • System Restore: This method is useful for restoring Windows operating systems to an earlier state before the problem started occurring.
  • Scanning for Virus/Malware: You should use anti-virus or anti-malware software to scan your computer and detect any malicious items that may be causing the issue.
  • Consulting Manufacturer: Depending on the type of complaint, you can consult the manufacturer’s warranty and repair options.

Fixing Common Problems

In this section, we will discuss more specific instructions for common computer problems that users may encounter.

Start-Up Problems

Start-up problems can be caused by a few different issues. If your computer isn’t starting up at all, it could be due to a hardware or software malfunction, or it could be due to power-supply issues. First, check whether the power cable is connected correctly and test your power outlet for voltage. If everything seems to be connected but your computer still won’t start up, it could be because the bootscreen is corrupted or The BIOS settings need adjusting.

Fixing Issue with Power Cable

  • Step 1: Disconnect the power cable from both the CPU and the wall outlet.
  • Step 2: Reconnect the power cable firmly making sure it is securely connected.
  • Step 3: Try powering up the computer again.

Fixing Issue with Corrupted Bootscreen or BIOS Settings

  • Step 1: Connect a VGA cable from a separate monitor or laptop.
  • Step 2: Restart your computer and look out for any error messages that may pop up.
  • Step 3: Enter BIOS settings by pressing either the F1, F2, F10 or DEL key when prompted on startup.
  • Step 4: Locate the bootscreen settings in BIOS and change it from disabled to enabled.
  • Step 5: Exit BIOS settings and save changes.
  • Step 6: Try powering up your computer again.

Software Issues

Software issues may include viruses, malware and other malicious items, as well as software incompatibilities. To diagnose software issues, it is important to evaluate what was installed/uninstalled recently, any discrepancies between different programs, and any other relevant information from programs such as an Antivirus/Anti-malware application or System Logs.

Virus & Malware Removal

  • Step 1: Disconnect your computer from the internet.
  • Step 2: Run a virus scan using anti-virus/anti-malware software such as Malwarebytes.
  • Step 3: Click ‘open’ in Malwarebytes and select ‘scan now.’
  • Step 4: Select ‘quick scan’ and let Malwarebytes do its job.
  • Step 5:Once finished running the scan, click ‘fix threats’ and select ‘fix automatically.’

Software Incompatibility

If incompatible programs are interfering with each other then we recommend uninstalling them and reinstalling them one by one until you identify which one is causing the issue. It is important to install programs correctly and update them regularly for better performance. Follow these steps for uninstalling a program correctly;

  • Step 1: Open Settings > Apps > Uninstall.
  • Step 2: Select the program you wish to uninstall and click on ‘uninstall.’

If programs have been installed incorrectly they may have difficulties running. The following steps should be followed if you suspect this is an issue;

  • Step 1: Open Settings > Apps > Manage apps.
  • Step 2: Select ‘reinstall’ and follow onscreen instructions)


Hardware Issues

Method Description Check Connections Check all connections including power cables, peripheral cables, USB ports etc. Check Drivers Make sure hardware drivers are installed correctly by checking device manager in Windows settings. Check Temperature Check for overheating components by using a temperature monitor. A reading above 80°C could cause permanent damage.

Replacing Components

If components are badly damaged then a replacement may be required. Before going ahead with a repair always check with the manufacturer first as some components may be covered by warranty if they have been recently purchased. It is best to seek professional advice before replacing components as mistakes can easily be made which can cause further problems with your system. The following steps should also be followed;

  • Step 1: Locate and purchase a replacement part that is compatible with your system.
  • Step 2: Disconnect all power connections to device.
  • Step 3: Unscrew all screws holding in place the device you wish to replace (if applicable).
  • Step 4: Connect new part in same way as old part was connected and secure with screws (if applicable).
    • Step 5: Reconnect all power connections back and test that all components are working correctly.


      Computers can experience a variety of problems that range from minor issues such as software incompatibilities to more serious hardware defects. Learning how to troubleshoot common problems can help users resolve major grievances quickly and reliably. Additionally, researching solutions ahead of time can help save time and reduce costly repairs.

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