What to do if your Computer won’t Start and Troubleshooting the Problem

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What to do if your Computer won’t Start and Troubleshooting the Problem

When your computer won’t start, it can be extremely frustrating and time consuming to troubleshoot the problem and get it working again. In this blog post, we’ll go over some common causes of computer problems and cover the steps you can take to try and fix them.

Why is my computer not starting?

When your computer won’t start, it could be due to a variety of reasons. Some of the most common culprits include:

  • A failed power supply
  • A faulty connection between the motherboard and the power supply
  • Installation of incompatible hardware
  • Incorrect BIOS settings
  • Damaged hardware components
  • Corrupted system files
  • Viruses, malware or spyware
  • Failed hardware components such as RAM, the processor, or hard drive
  • Power outage or power surge
  • Incorrect boot sequence, such as booting from the wrong device

It’s important to note that the above list is by no means exhaustive and does not include every single possible cause of your computer not starting. In addition, some issues may be more difficult to diagnose, and may require more in depth troubleshooting.

Steps to Troubleshoot your PC

When troubleshooting, it’s important to start with the simplest solutions first and then move on to more complex troubleshooting steps as needed. Here are some basic steps you can take to troubleshoot your computer if it won’t start:

Check the Power and Cables

The first thing you should do when troubleshooting is check to see if your computer is getting power. Check all of your power cords and verify that they are plugged in and in good condition. Then, make sure that all of your power buttons are on and that none of them are stuck in a particular position.

Determine if it’s an Internal or External Problem

Once you’ve checked the power supply, you’ll need to determine whether the problem is internal or external. If you receive an error message when attempting to turn on your computer, then the issue is likely internal. If you hear a beep or other sound when turning the computer on, then the issue is likely external.

Check the BIOS Settings

If you determine that the issue is internal, then you should check the basic input/output system (BIOS) settings. To do this, reboot your computer and press the F2 or Delete key as soon as it boots up. This will access your BIOS settings where you can then look for any settings that might be incorrect or causing an issue.

Disassemble and Inspect Components

You may also need to disassemble parts of your computer in order to troubleshoot certain issues. For example, you may need to inspect the RAM, processor, hard drive, graphics card and other components to determine if any of them are damaged or not functioning correctly.

Run a Virus Scan

It’s also possible that viruses, malware or spyware could be causing your computer to malfunction. To check for this, run a virus scan using an up-to-date virus scanner, such as Windows Defender or another reputable program.

Run System File Checker

If you suspect that corrupted system files are causing your computer to malfunction, then you can run System File Checker. This tool can help you identify and repair any system files that have become corrupted or damaged. To run System File Checker, press the Windows key + R to open the run command window, then type sfc /scannow and press enter.


In conclusion, when your computer won’t start it can be due to a number of different causes. It’s important to troubleshoot the issue systematically in order to determine the root cause and fix it. This can include things such as checking the power supply and cables, checking the BIOS settings, disassembling parts of the computer, running a virus scan and more. Though it can be time consuming, troubleshooting can help you get your computer running properly again.

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