How to Fix Typical Computer Problems for Average People

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How to Fix Typical Computer Problems for Average People

It is inevitable that at some point or another, people using computers will run into some sort of problem. Whether it be a problem with hardware, software, or something else entirely, there is a good chance that average people will have trouble figuring out the source of this problem and how to go about fixing it. In this article, we will explore several of the most common computer problems that average people experience and discuss ways to go about resolving them.

Hardware Problems

Hardware problems are one of the most common issues that average people experience. Examples of hardware problems may include a malfunctioning monitor, a broken Keyboard, a hard drive that cannot be read, etc. A few methods to approach these sorts of problems include:

  • Checking the cables: One of the simplest things to do when attempting to troubleshoot a hardware related issue is to check all the cables connected to the affected device. This includes any power cables, network cables, and in certain cases, even video cables. By checking if all the cables are plugged in securely and in the correct port, this can often fix the source of the hardware problem.
  • Check the Device Manager: The device manager is a tool in Windows that allows users to view all their connected hardware devices. This includes anything from keyboards and mice to hard drives and video cards. If a device is not being properly recognized, checking the device manager for it is one of the first steps that should be taken. If a device does not show up in the device manager this may indicate a problem with a broken driver and can often be fixed by reinstalling or updating the driver.
  • Troubleshoot with the Manufacturer: If a hardware device is still having issues after attempting the above two methods, one of the best things that can be done is to contact the manufacturer of the device and ask for technical support in resolving the issue. Depending on the product and manufacturer, it may be possible to receive anything from a simple explanation of how to fix the problem or even a replacement product altogether.

Software Problems

Software problems can range from anything from simple application errors to complete system malfunctions. Some of the most common software problems that average people experience include:

  • Error Messages: Error messages can often appear when there is an issue with an application or piece of software. These messages will often tell the user why something is not working as intended and can often be easily resolved by following instructions in the message.
  • Blue Screen Of Death: The blue screen of death (or BSoD) is an error screen that appears whenever there is a fatal error in Windows. This error screen will usually be blue and will have code written at the bottom giving information as to what caused the error. The most common cause of this error is a corrupted Driver or missing pieces of software but can also be caused by bad hardware. In order to fix this error, it is best to consult with Microsoft or another tech professional as fixing it can require some advanced knowledge.
  • Application Not Responding: Another common problem experienced by average people is when an application appears to not respond. This means that once the user has launched an application, it doesn’t do anything or go anywhere and simply hangs. This issue is usually caused by an issue with the application itself and not necessarily something on the users system. It can often be resolved by restarting the application or closing it manually through Task Manager.

Vulnerability Issues

Vulnerability issues are becoming more and more common as hackers and malicious users become more sophisticated in their attempts at gaining access to vulnerable computers. These sorts of issues often involve malicious software such as viruses, worms, trojans, etc. being downloaded onto the computer without the users knowledge. In order to protect oneself against these sorts of issues, it is important to take proactive measures such as regularly scanning for viruses/malware using an up-to-date virus/malware scanner, using a good firewall, and always being aware of any suspicious activity on your computer.

Tools for Troubleshooting Computer Problems

In order to properly troubleshoot most computer problems, there are several tools that are almost necessary:

Troubleshooting Tool Purpose/Usage
Device Manager The device manager is a tool available in Windows which allows users to view all their connected hardware devices. This includes things like keyboards, mice, audio devices, hard drives, etc.
Antivirus/Malware Scanner An antivirus/malware scanner can be used to scan for and detect any malicious software on a system. These scanners range from free to paid versions and can be found online.
System Cleaner A system cleaner can be used to scan for unneeded files, invalid registry entries, and other junk that can slow down a system. There are several free versions available, both online and offline.
Task Manager Task Manager is a tool found in Windows which gives users access to all running applications on their system and allows them to terminate them if necessary.
Event Viewer Event Viewer is a tool found in Windows which allows users to view all sorts of information about their systems such as events logs for errors or warnings about hardware or applications not working correctly.
BIOS Settings For advanced users who want more control over how their system works and behaves, changing settings in the BIOS can provide this kind of power.


When it comes to computer problems for average people, it can often be difficult to figure out what is causing them and how to go about resolving them. There are several tools available that can be used in order to help diagnose any underlying issues though and this article has hopefully been able to provide some insight into these tools and how they can be used. Remember that when dealing with computer problems it is always best approach them in the simplest way possible and if more advanced means must be used, contact a professional or seek advice from those with more experience than you.

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