What to do When Your Computer Locks Up and How to Fix It: A Comprehensive Guide

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What to do When Your Computer Locks Up and How to Fix It: A Comprehensive Guide

Do you find your computer has been locking up or freezing more often than not? If so, you may be wondering what the cause of the issue is and what steps you need to take to address it. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the different scenarios that could be causing your computer to lock up and how you can go about resolving them.

Understanding the Symptoms of a Locked Computer

First, it’s important to understand the different symptoms that can indicate that your computer has locked up. These include:

  • Your computer suddenly freezes and all buttons are unresponsive.
  • Your mouse cursor freezes.
  • You are unable to open certain programs.
  • Your computer does not react when you press Shift, Ctrl or Alt keys.
  • Your fan moves with higher speed, which can indicate high CPU usage.

These are the most common symptoms associated with a locked up computer. If you experience any of them, it’s a good idea to take some steps toward troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

Possible Causes of Computer Locking Up

There are several possible causes of your computer locking up. These include:

  1. Incompatible software or driver. Your computer could be locking up due to an error when loading a particular program or driver.
  2. Hardware failure. Sometimes hardware issues such as incorrect components installed in the wrong slots can cause your computer to lock up.
  3. Virus or malware. A virus or malware infection can cause your computer to become unresponsive.
  4. Overheating. If your computer is not properly cooled, it can lead to hardware components becoming overworked and locking up.

It’s important to understand the underlying cause of your issue before attempting to resolve it. Taking the time to do this can save you from hours of frustration in the long run.

How to Fix a Computer That Locks Up

Now that you understand the different symptoms and causes let’s review what you should do if your computer locks up:

Step 1: System Reset

One of the best first solutions when your computer locks up is to do a soft reset (or soft reboot). To do this, simply press and hold the power key until the machine completely shuts down. Then, once the machine has completely powered down, press the power key again to restart it.

Step 2: Close Program and Delete Cache Files

The second step you should take is to close out of any programs that may be running on your laptop that may be taxing your system’s resources and causing it to freeze. To do this, press the „Ctrl + Alt + Del“, you can then select “Task Manager” from the options given. And then, select any of the applications that are running, click on it and select “End Task”. By doing this, it should give relief to some of the processes causing pressure on your system which should in turn help to prevent locking up.

Note: Deleting cached files is also a good idea and can help free up additional space.

Step 3: Check Memory

If you’re still having issues with your computer locking up, you may want to check your RAM (random access memory). To do this, open your “Start” menu, type in “Run” and hit “Enter”. From the popup window, type in “mdsched” and hit “Enter”. This will bring up the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool; from here you can select “Restart now and check for problems” which will then allow Windows to scan your memory for any possible issues.

Note: Replacing or upgrading your RAM may improve system performance and result in fewer instances of locking up.

Step 4: Perform Anti-Malware Checks

The next step you should take is to run an anti-malware scan on your system as viruses or malware can sometimes lead to lockups. It is important to use a reputable anti-malware program such as Malwarebytes as these programs are more likely to be able to detect these malicious programs. Once youhave a recommended product downloaded and installed, perform regular scans in order to ensure system security and avoid any potential performance issues.

Note: Checking for driver updates is also recommended as out-of-date drivers can also cause unwanted performance issues.

Step 5: Update Drivers and Check Heat

Outdated drivers can also be a culprit when it comes to performance issues so updating any necessary device drivers is highly recommended. In some cases, underclocking or undervolting may also help improve performance. For further assistance on how to do this, it is best to reach out to resource guiders like NotebookReview forums as they can provide step-by-step instructions.

Note: Heat can also be a major cause of slowdowns or even lock ups so be sure to check the temperature of your laptop using a program like CoreTemp which can identify if your system is running too hot.

Step 6: Reinstall Windows/Run System Restoration

If all else fails, reinstalling or restoring an older version of Windows may also be helpful in addressing any lingering performance issues. If you are running Windows 10 or 8,youwill have the option to run a Refresh or Reset via settings > recovery. If you are running Windows 7 or Vista, choosing the repair option at bootup may also help. For further details on how to backup and restore your system, it is best to consult Microsoft’s help page on how execute a system restore.

Note: Before performing any drastic measures take time to consult reviews and tutorials of other users who have experienced similar issues as they may have a resolution that applies in your case.


It is important to understand what the causes could be behind the locked up computer before attempting any remedies. This article provided several possible causes as well as steps you should take if you ever experience an issue with your computer freezing due to hardware or software errors. If all else fails, perform a Refresh or Reset in Windows, reinstalling or restoring an older version of Windows may also be helpful. With the right steps, you can get your computer running smooth and be able to avoid any major issues with laptop locking up in the future.

„This guide was written by Jackson Lam, who is experienced in providing technical expertise for matters related to computer hardware and software.“


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